1. Voice
  2. 2talk Cloud PBX

2talk Cloud PBX SMS Services

2talk SMS Services can be found in the 2talk Cloud PBX under the Advanced Module. Depending on the number type you can setup 2talk calls, receive call alerts and control your 2talk settings via SMS.

From 2talk 028 numbers

If you have a 2talk 028 number you can send SMS messages to mobile phones by emailing your message to number@sms.2talk.co.nz (e.g. 02825500000@sms.2talk.co.nz)

You will need to 'allow' your email to send the SMS messages before this will work.  Standard SMS fees will apply.

For security you can add a password, which we recommend.

You can also receive SMS messages back to your 028 number - you will need to enable this setting in the portal.  By default messages are sent to the account email, however you can allow additional email addresses.


From 2talk Cloud Lines and 028 Numbers

You can add authorised mobile numbers that once added can enable you to manage some 2talk Cloud PBX features via Txt.


Setting up Calls

You can setup a call from 2talk by sending an SMS message from your mobile to '2825' (2TAL). 

You can set up a call either to the mobile you send the SMS from - or between 2 other phone numbers.

Here is an example Txt.

txt 099749000 to 2825           -  Does a callback to the mobile that sent the SMS then dials 099749000
txt 0212345678 099749000 to 2825 -  Does a callback to '0212345678' which then dials 099749000

Managing Features

There are also commands that allow you to manage your 2talk features remotely via SMS. 

bal      -  Returns an SMS with the current balance of your 2talk account in dollars
dnd      -  Turns on Do Not Disturb for your 2talk number
locate   -  Adds the mobile that send the SMS to the 'Locate Me' group of numbers
cfa      -  Setup Call forward always to the number that sent the SMS
cfna     -  Setup Call forward no answer to the number that sent the SMS
cfb      -  Setup Call forward on Busy to the number that sent the SMS

You can also specify specific numbers to add to the forwarding services. For example for 099749000 you would txt:

locate 099749000  -  Adds 099749000 to the 'Locate Me' group of numbers
cfa 099749000    -  Setup Call forward always to number 099749000
cfna 099749000    -  Setup Call forward no answer to number099749000
cfb 099749000     -  Setup Call forward on Busy to number 099749000

If you want to turn a service 'off' such as do not disturb you simply text:

dnd off   -  Turn off Do Not Disturb for your 2talk number
locate off-  Removes the mobile that send the SMS from the 'Locate Me' group of numbers
cfa off    -  Disable Call forward always service
cfna off   -  Disable Call forward no answer service
cfb off    -  Disable Call forward on Busy service

To remove a specific locate number you would txt'locate 099749000 off'