1. Voice
  2. 2talk Cloud PBX

In Call Messages

An In Call Message can be used to play a message to the caller before executing other Cloud PBX features.

The In Call Message feature executes before most other cloud PBX features so after the message plays the call can then be handled by another Cloud PBX feature e.g. Queueing or Call Forward

Enabling the feature requires a recording to be uploaded in the Account Media section.

A time schedule can be set when enabling the feature.  If a time schedule is set and the schedule is not matched no message is played and the feature is skipped.

How to enable In Call Messages:

  1. Log into https://now.2talk.co.nz > select number you wish to set an In Call Message on.
  2. Select CloudPBX > Inbound Calls > In Call Messages.
  3. Click Enable a greeting message on the line.
  4. Choose when to play the message from the schedule options. The default setting is to Play At All Times
  5. Select Save settings to update.