1. Voice
  2. 2talk Cloud PBX

Prioritising a Cloud PBX Feature

Use the Call Flow Control settings screen to prioritise a single feature in the Cloud PBX call flow

By prioritising a single Cloud PBX feature you can quickly or temporarily modify the cloud PBX call flow priority to suit your needs.

Prioritised features will occur third in the call flow. Check the Call Flow Priority page to review the complete list of feature priorities. Please note that features are only executed once in the call flow.

Here's an example of how priority settings can be useful:

Let's say you want after-hours calls to be forwarded before they reach a call queue. By default, the call queue feature is applied before call forwarding. However, by adjusting the priority settings, you can make call forwarding happen first.

To do this, you would set a priority for the 'Call Forward Always' feature. This ensures that call forwarding is applied before the call reaches the queue, allowing after-hours calls to be redirected as desired."

How to Implement:

  1. Log into https://now.2talk.co.nz > select number you wish to change the feature priority on.
  2. Select CloudPBX > Advance > Call Flow Control
  3. Select the feature you wish to prioritise from the drop down list
  4. Select Save settings to update.