If there is anything you're not happy about in your relationship with 2talk, the sooner you let us know, the sooner we can resolve the issue. We do our best to fix any problems as soon as possible.
Tell Us About your Complaint
If you have a complaint please tell us about it using one of the following channels
Web Chat
What Happens Next
We'll get back to you within 5 working days of us receiving your complaint. Our hope is to be able to come to a resolution for you (that we're both happy with) within 20 working days. Sometimes complaints may involve a longer investigation time. If this happens, we'll keep you in the loop the whole way through.
What if I'm still not happy?
If you're not happy with the resolution, then you're welcome to contact the Telecommunication Dispute Resolution (TDR). The TDR is an industry-wide service that sets the standard for customer complaints. 2talk, as a subsidiary of 2degrees is a member of the TDR and you can go to them if you're dissatisfied with any 2talk resolution of a complaint. It won't cost you anything to do this, and the TDR will work with you, and us, to try to resolve the problem. For more information on the TDR see www.tdr.org.nz Please note: all complaints must be registered with 2talk first before you can refer your complaint to the TDR. 2talk, as a subsidiary of 2degrees is a signatory to the NZ Telecommunications Forum Customer Complaints Code. For more information on the Customer Complaints Code, see www.tcf.org.nz