1. Mobile
  2. SIM Swap - migration to 2degrees network

How do I request my SIM Swap

Getting moved is easy, follow the steps below and you'll be moved in no time.

Head to now.2talk.co.nz/mobile/migratenetworks 

A list of your 2talk account’s active mobile services will display.


Click the service that you are swapping now.

The next page will allow you to choose which new SIM to move to.

Click Save.

Ensure the new SIM that you give to each user matches what you select - this is important!

Once you confirm the user has their new SIM click the ‘Swap now’ button for the number you want to migrate to kick off the swap process.

Once you submit the SIM swap request there is a little bit of magic we need to work in the background to move the number over to the 2degrees network, this will take up to 30 minutes.

We’ll let you know via email when the number is moved so the user can pop their SIM into their phone and get reconnected.